
Here at BOE Reviews we pride ourselves on a long history of enjoying the content that we write about. The reviews here, while aiming to be objective as possible, have subjective content within them (By which we mean that most if not all our reviews are the Best Opinions Ever). Having a better understanding the reviewer, and of the content will greatly help to make an educated decision of whether or not you should buy it. This knowledge will also help you to find different viewpoints and open the door for new experiences.

Jake Hayhurst

Hello my name is Jake and I have been playing video games since I was about five years old. I created BOE reviews with my childhood friend, TK, to be able to share and discuss games with a wider audience. I tend to like a wide variety of games, but my favorite genres are strategy and fighting games. I tend to like a lot of story driven games, but also hold gameplay above story.

TK Stamm

I’m Tk, I play games. Many games, for unhealthy periods of time. Then I spout opinions about them with friends, and some of the more cohesive stuff ends up here. I play an odd assortment of stuff, but mostly obsess about more challenge-oriented stuff such as the Souls series and high end raiding.