A Long Awaited Update

Jake Hayhurst

So it has been an extremely long time since I posted anything. To be exact it has been almost an entire year since the last review. So why is that? For starters getting a masters degree is extremly hard and takes a lot of time energy and effort. In addition to what little time I have to play video games, getting the time to collect and write opinions about them have shrunken as well. That also applies to the podcast. While writing game reviews is extremely fun to me I also find the prospect of playing games more fun.

So then the question becomes what will I do with the website and when. I want to first and foremost I want to fully focus on finishing my masters degree. Once that is done I should have enough free time to start making content. This shouldn’t be another year of absolute radio silence, this should be in the up coming months. I wont make any guarantees of when I will be able to push the next content update but it should be before the end of the year.

I keep talking about content updates, why don’t I just say reviews? I want to also branch out and start writing opinion pieces on video games as well. This website isn’t called BOE Reviews for nothing. These pieces should be shorter and easier to write as they will be more about what I am thinking of about the current state of video games. Hopefully these opinion pieces will also fill the void and help me keep this website updated. The podcast will come back eventually, with Jack, Will, and myself very busy this will probably be once all of us have settled down in our respective jobs, places of living, etc.

I just wanted to post something to tell anyone who reads this, I’m not dead, this website isn’t dead, and expect more things to come. Thank you again for reading this little update and hopefully I will be able to provide you with more content to read and consume!