Day 3 - RTX 2015

Jake Hayhurst


The final and last hurrah of RTX 2015. The last day is always a grab bag of joy and sadness. Most of the day was going to the last panels what we were able to attend, standing in lines to be able to play some of the remaining games, and watching center stage. We met some pretty rad people when we were getting food at the convention center as well. The last day was one of the best as the convention was winding down and people tended to open up more while waiting in lines


The first panel that we went to was the Tech at Rooster Teeth panel. The tech panel started out with the panelists just standing in the room talking and being friendly with the audience before the panel started. Once the panel started they went around and talked about what they have done for rooster teeth and what they are talking on. Then they took questions from the audience as they didn’t have anything planned. The questions were very tech heavy so I wont bore you with them but they did go over some general tech questions. They talked about how if you are passionate about tech just go out and work, do what you love, you will always be learning, and don’t defeat yourself and wait to learn or apply for a job or a project.

After the panel it was back into the frying pan, the convention center floor. I was able to play On Aether Winds a puzzle game set in space with zero gravity puzzles. I then stood in line for way to long to play Pit People developed by behemoth. I have been looking forward to get my hands on this game ever since it was called Game 4. Expect a full review of the game when it is released. Then it was off to center stage to watch Joel and Adam to play slain and boy that was a trip. Then after a lot of deaths at the very beginning Michael got on stage to flex his “gaming skills”.


Overall the convention was great and the cosplays were anywhere between impressive and very disturbing. You have no idea how many mustachioed yangs were at the convention. The convention was definitely better organized this year than in years past. We loved the atmosphere, the panels, and the games. We have to give a huge shout out to Aaron’s Rock shop on 6th street. If you are a fan of metal, rock and roll, and the things that make them awesome, check out Aaron’s Rock Shop.