Opus Magnum: Another Zachtronics Masterpiece

Jake Hayhurst

If you have played a Zachtronics game, in my opinion, Opus Magnum one of their best games. For those of you have not played a Zachtronics game, in the simplest terms, they make programming games. That might sound boring to you, but if you like puzzle games I suggest that you give programming games a chance. For most puzzle games the goal is to clear the level in the least amount of moves. In programming games the goal is to clear the level in the least amount of instructions. However just telling the player to write code is boring and... Read More

A Long Awaited Update

Jake Hayhurst

So it has been an extremely long time since I posted anything. To be exact it has been almost an entire year since the last review. So why is that? For starters getting a masters degree is extremly hard and takes a lot of time energy and effort. In addition to what little time I have to play video games, getting the time to collect and write opinions about them have shrunken as well. That also applies to the podcast. While writing game reviews is extremely fun to me I also find the prospect of playing games more fun.

So... Read More

Tormentum Dark Sorrow: Heavy Metal Point and Click

Jake Hayhurst

Tormentum is a classic point and click puzzle game while being one of the most horrifyingly gorgeous games that I have ever played. The game has an interesting story to tell with some choices along the way. It has some of the most interesting and metal art I have ever seen. The games ending got me interested in playing it again to see the other endings. The game will have some tough competition to face. With the revitalization of the point and click genre, can Tormentum stand up against the rest?

The game looks like H. R. Giger had a... Read More

Axiom Verge: Samus is now a dude

Jake Hayhurst

This game sits in the category of “I really like it, but got me so frustrated that I’m pretty sure my neighbors think I have mental health issues”. Ignoring my pending mental health issues, this game is one that fills in something that has been missing in the game industry for quite some time, a true honest to god Metroid game. Supprisingly enough, the best Metroid game in years comes from a passion product from Thomas Happ. From the minute you start this game you can tell that the amount of love and care dumped into Axiom Verge.

If you... Read More

RTX 2016 Round Up

Jake Hayhurst & TK Stamm


Another year has come and past and RTX just always seems to get better and better. There were some amazing games that were on the show floor that I was able to get my hands on that I can’t wait to give a full review for. While I was not able to get to every single game there I was able to get my hands on a lot of good games. As a reminder these games range from being in alpha to being released, and unless they are released they are subject to change. My thoughts... Read More